North Macedonian History

The North Macedonia times

History! Understanding North Macedonia by going through a systematic and punctual analysis of real historical events. Events confirmed by more than one source, passed through the revision of historical science and confirmed as truth. Analysing and studying the facts is helping us to understand North Macedonia and to clarify all open questions impartially.

The history as a science and North Macedonia

For some people, history is something that is learned in the classroom, a collection of names and events in thick textbooks. But there are many reasons why it is important, far beyond the high school midterm exam. Leading professors agree that everyone benefits from historical knowledge because it explains humanity itself and how we got to where we are today. This field of studies reveals the changes over time and shows us that despite them, human nature has remained fairly constant. Circumstances and technologies change, but people still want the same things as in earlier civilizations – prosperity, security, happiness, power, spiritual and social fulfilment, etc. It is through history that we can most properly explain the emergence and development of North Macedonia.

Changing the mindset

Changing the history of a group of people means changing the way people think. It changes the way they think about their surroundings, it changes their attitudes, relationships and actions. No one can deny that this tool has been used in the past to gain strategic advantage in certain geographical areas. It is happening in North Macedonia, it has happened in the past, and it continues to happen now.

The North Macedonian times have come

This website provides a description of actual events that led to the creation of the state of North Macedonia, to the composition of a new language, a new people and a new history. These events have been confirmed by many independent sources. The conclusion we can draw is that the history that is being studied in North Macedonia is in contradiction with history as a science. It is the result of the successful integration of political and geo-strategic moves, which has led to the creation of a dependent little puppet on the Balkans that supports certain interests in the region.

History is not something to be simply remembered. It is science. We should study it, not memorize it.
